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Jan 20
New Double Deck AEtrium-4 Precision Aeroponic System Yields Up to 2 Pounds Per Square Foot Annually, Eclipsing Standard Cultivation Methods By 6X
SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, December 3, 2019 /EINPresswire.com/ -- AEssenseGrows has burst through the ceiling on cannabis yields with a new automated cultivation product that can yield up to two pounds of cannabis each year per square foot of floor space--more than 6 times the volume of other methods of cannabis cultivation.
“With our new Double Deck product, the AEssenseGrows team continues to push the boundaries, making aeroponic growing a potentially much more profitable endeavor than ever before,” said Phil Gibson, vice president of Marketing at AEssenseGrows. “This will be welcome news to anyone seeking ways to win in this highly competitive and unpredictable market. Whether in America, Canada or other corners of the world, more and more cultivators recognize that our cruise-control approach to aeroponics gives them a major advantage.”
Read the complete release.
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