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Jun 18
Dr. Huafang Zhou, vice president of technology and chief scientist at AEssenseGrows, will join other industry luminaries in delivering a keynote address at the 2018 International Indoor Plant Factory Symposium beginning June 12 in Shanghai.
Dr. Zhou will deliver a presentation titled, “A Total Solution and Innovation For Smart Plant Factories With Artificial Lighting.”
A recognized expert in the sensing industry, Dr. Zhou’s expertise in smart air/nutrient sensors and grow lighting provides a strong foundation for the design and development of indoor vertical farms, or plant factories. At AEssenseGrows, he directs sensor development and the plant science teams who have determined optimal plant factory growing conditions for 60+ plant varieties. Dr. Zhou holds 30+ patents, authored 20+ scientific publications, and often presents at international conferences.
The symposium is co-sponsored by AEssenseGrows and the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS). It runs June 12-15 at the Blue Palace Hotel in Jiading, Shanghai.
The event brings together some of the world’s leading experts in commercial indoor cultivation for an exchange of ideas and information about the latest innovations, technologies and research in the field. For more information about the symposium or to register, visit www.plantfactorysymposium.com.
Other symposium presenters include: