- 22
Feb 17

AEssense would like to thank everyone that attended our Booth at Cannacon Seattle 2017!
We had a great time meeting everyone and discussing various topics with industry experts in the field. Hope to see you all at the next show!
The AEtrium-4 system, our automated 4x4 ft system designed specifically for high yield growth, was displayed at the show floor in a three-unit system, showcasing its modularity and easy expansion for clean commercial cultivation. Attached to the AEtrium-4 line, is our advanced dosing system that handles nutrient dosing, sensing, and analytics. The system automates all of these functions and sends them to the Guardian Grow Manager, a software analytics and control suite that can be accessed from your mobile device, allowing you to control your entire growth platform on the go.
Also debuting at the show are two of our AXcel HID lights, our High Pressure Sodium (HPS), and Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH) versions. Our AXcel HPS lights bring the industry-proven standard of HPS growth to the medicinal growth industry at an affordable price point. The AXcel CMH variant brings the same growth vigor at a significantly lower energy cost.